This course covers the following topics;

  • How do I create a Contactor Visit Request?
  • How do I create a Guest Visit Request? 
  • How do I add notes, attachments and forms to a Visit Request?
  • How do I view Company and Persons Skills, Required Docs and Maintenance Records on a Visit Request? 
  • How I do approve a Visit Request? 
  • How do I check-in / check-out a Visitor? 
  • How do I force through a check-in? 
  • How do You have not answered all questions correctly. Please try again.I create a Visit Request from a Maintenance Record? 
  • How do I link an existing Visit Request to a Resource on a Maintenance Record? 
  • How do I find Companies with a specific Skill set when creating a Visit Request? 
  • How do I find Contractor Personnel with a specific Skill set when creating a Visit Request?


This course covers the following topics;

  • How do I add a Company?
  • How do I manually add document requirements for a Company?
  • How do I add a Category of Required Documents to a Company?
  • How do I add a Person to a Company?
  • How do I add a Photo to a Person record?
  • How do I add a Skill to a Company?
  • How do I add Forms to a Company?
  • How do I view Visit Requests linked to a Company?
  • How do I submit a Company for Approval?
  • How do I create a Company Template?


This course covers the following topics;

  • How do I view Visit Requests on the Calendar?
  • How do I edit a Visit Request from the Calendar View?
  • How do I reschedule a Visit Request in the Calendar?


This course covers the following topics;

  • How can a Self Service user update their Company record?
  • How can a Self Service User see the status of their Visit Requests?


This course covers the following topics;

  • How do I configure Common Required Documents?
  • How do I Approve or Reject a Company? 
  • How is a Company set to status For Review?
  • How do I inform Contracting Companies that information is required?
  • How do I create a list of all visitors on-site in an Emergency?


This course covers the following topics;
